Once babies or toddlers or kids show signs of Dengue, It is highly recommended that you visit a paediatrician immediately to get the treatment started, but you must also know how to deal with the symptoms until a diagnosis is made.

Symptoms of Dengue in Kids
Intensely High Fever that appears suddenly and reaches high temperature very soon.
The eyes start hurting a lot, especially in the region behind the eyeballs.
Frequent headaches that are quite debilitating and severe.
Constant feeling of nausea and dizziness.
Frequent vomiting which is sometimes even uncontrollable.
Increasing body aches that highly affect the muscles and joints.
Nosebleeds in mild quantities.
At times, babies can also experience bleeding in the gums.
Diagnosis of Dengue
One of the first things the doctor will do is to undertake a blood test of the baby to check for infections.
The number of platelets in the blood is another marker for dengue.
Any person contracting dengue suffers a huge drop in the platelet count that results in extreme weakness in the body.
An extremely high temperature that rises very quickly is a strong sign of the presence of dengue.
The paediatrician might also ask you about the surrounding conditions of your home or if you’ve recently travelled to a place where the baby was exposed to mosquitoes.
Taking enough rest is paramount. The body undergoes a lot of stress, and it needs enough rest to be able to recover.
Frequent and incessant vomiting could also lead to dehydration; it is important for your child to remain hydrated, too.
Therefore, the breastfeeding cycles will have to be increased for infants. For older babies, the fluid intake needs to be increased. In case your baby refuses to feed or is too weak to swallow food, the paediatrician might opt for intravenous nourishment alternatives to keep the electrolytic and hydration levels on point.
At times, even after the fever goes down, your baby might vomit incessantly. This could mean the onset of haemorrhagic dengue fever, and you must take your baby to the hospital immediately. Dengue can add to the stress levels as there is no specific cure for it. However, there are ways dengue can be prevented to an extent.
How to Prevent Dengue
Mosquitoes that spread dengue breed in fresh and stagnant water; therefore, it is important to ensure that there is zero presence of any uncovered stored water bodies in your house or in the surroundings close to your home. This includes terraces, gardens, and even your washrooms.
Make use of mosquito repellents in the form of mats or vaporisers indoors to keep mosquitoes at bay. Using mosquito repellent creams and sprays might also be quite effective. Creams and sprays are perfect for keeping kids safe from mosquitoes when outdoors.
Playing around with dirt and mud can make the body attract mosquitoes even more since mosquitoes tend to hover around in moist areas. Advise your kids to avoid playing certain games/sports or clean up immediately to avoid attracting the mosquitoes.
Make sure your windows have a permanent mesh or make use of sliding mesh windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering the house.
Dress your children in clothes that cover their bodies completely.
Sleeping in beds that have mosquito nets is the best way to have an undisturbed and safe sleep.
Dengue can very quickly cause the health of a baby to deteriorate if left unchecked. With some simple measures, it is possible to prevent dengue to some extent. However, if your kid hasn’t been keeping well, keeping an open eye for signs of dengue and taking the right actions can help your baby heal faster.